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(English) From on October the 16th Until on April the 3rd 2016: SYMBOLA – The power of symbols. Archaeological masterpieces recovered by the Guardia di Finanza. OVER 200 FINDS UNEDITED.


A symbol is a real element, a material object which may come from anywhere, an animal or a person to whom a meaning that goes beyond its looks or primary function is attributed, thus evoking a broader value in the human imagination. Therefore, a set of symbols may become a language which, if coded, could tell a lot about the habits, life and thoughts of the person to whom it belongs.

Symbolism got structured together with the growth of society. The classic world is full of symbols which, today, may appear different and incomprehensible from a modern point of view, even if they still influence our present.

Symbola – promoted by the Vicus Italicus Association together with the Guardia di Finanza , with members of Rome’s Revenue Police – is organised by the Stadium of Domitian, with the aim of promoting the classical imaginative world in its different aspects, production and fruition scopes.

The exhibition displays more than 200 archaeological pieces, of which a part was retrieved by the Group of Archaeological Heritage Protection of the Guardia di Finanza , while another part is made of artefacts from Pantanacci’s excavation site, close to Lanuvio, found in 2012 thanks to the efforts of the Guardia di Finanza.

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