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  • visit the underground levels of Piazza Navona, first opened to the public in 2014;
  • descend 5 metres beneath street level into the excavations, at the time of the Roman Empire;
  • admire the ancient ruins of the first and only masonry stadium in Roman history;
  • learn more about the history of the Stadium/Piazza Navona/ancient Roman sports:

The ruins of the Stadium of Domitian (Unesco World Heri¬tage Site) in Piazza Navona are located about 4.50 meters below street level. The archaeological site is all that remains of the first and only example of a masonry stadium up to now known in Rome. Audioguide, even for children, panels and 3D video show the history of sport and sports practices from ancient Greece to Imperial Rome, with particular attention to the history of the stadium and the square. We are open every day of the year.

On request we organize exclusive private tours in the evening


In our library there are art and history books, antique prints, postcards, gadgets, souvenirs of artistic crafts and multimedia DVDs. There is also a section for children.


Attività di gestione: MKT121 srl - Piazza Navona 45, 00186 - Roma - P.iva 09993821009
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